Center For Ocean Sciences Education Excellence COSEE Island Earth
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COSEE Island Earth (IE) seeks to encourage the link between science and Hawaii’s visitor and resident population.

COSEE Island Earth recognizes the importance of a science-informed population, and acknowledges the current gap between the scientific community and the general public. We seek to bridge this hole by encouraging and facilitating interaction between these groups. Scientists can benefit from both formal and informal outreach by having the chance to publicize and promote their research to an audience outside of the academic community, while simultaneously fostering interest in ocean sciences, conservation, and research methodology. Some of the COSEE Island Earth projects for scientists include:

Sea Harmony collaboration network: This collaboration network allows scientists to get in touch with local community organizations and educators in Hawaii for the purpose of paired collaborations. Scientists looking to share their research, present to the public, or search for research volunteers can utilize this website to meet their needs. Suggested pairing will be based on algorithms of compatibility based on criteria requested from participants.

• Professional development seminar series: COSEE IE plans to develop and host a seminar series for science faculty and graduate students, with specific focus on techniques for education and outreach.

All Things Marine - Science on the radio: COSEE IE has been conducting monthly marine science themed programing for the radio show Hawaii’s Tomorrow with Jeff Davis. Each month the radio station 760 AM broadcasts interviews with marine scientists and conservation leaders covering a wide range of topics such as marine protected areas, connectivity, and protected species. Researchers interested in radio show appearances regarding their current research should contact

Collaborative Fellowships - COSEE IE has established interdisciplinary fellowships that bridge research, formal and informal education, and traditional cultural practices. Each year, up to four fellowships are awarded to graduate students working as a team from Ocean Sciences and Hawaiian Studies departments to bridge traditional knowledge and ways of knowing with current science research.